A primer on what products to expect and how frequently we restock our inventory
Artisan-made dinnerware is a nuanced business that requires flexibility and good old fashioned patience. Kilns can misfire, glazes are finicky, and factors as subtle as humidity can have a big impact on our production process. That said, we do our best to operate efficiently and to make it as easy as possible for our customers to build a collection of dinnerware they will love (and continue to grow) for years to come. Check out the information below and please feel free to reach out to our customer service rep if you still have questions.

The Classics
(Aka quicker, more frequent restocks)
The “Coupe,” “Square Sided,” and “Cafe” collections comprise all of our mainstay shapes that you can expect to be able to buy consistently for years to come. We offer nearly all of these shapes in both clay bodies (Toasted and Dark Brown) with our classic white glaze. When it comes to our secondary glaze options (Blue Banded, Moss, and Turquoise) you’ll want to check the pages for specific shapes to see what’s offered. If we’ve ever offered it in White or Moss glaze, you can expect that we will keep it in production.

The Classics
When one of our classic shapes in White or Moss glaze is out of stock, it’s safe to assume that we are actively producing it and it will be back on the website imminently. Depending on our production capacities, this could take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Blue Banded and Turquoise pieces could take a little longer. If it’s going to be an especially long time, like a couple of months, we will try to note that on the product page. Your best option is to sign up for restock notifications. If you do that, we’ll automatically email you as soon as it’s available to be purchased.

Special Editions
(Aka slower, less consistent restocks)
Our more experimental shapes and glazes, like the Aperitivo Set, Sage-glazed Mugs and Moss-glazed Planters are probably Special Edition pieces. Typically, a Special Edition is released for the first time on the first Friday of the month, and after the first run sells out, we will decide whether to restock it on a case-by-case basis. We try to restock Special Editions 2 to 4 times a year. This is another scenario where our restock notifications come in handy: If a lot of people sign up for something, it’s more likely that we’ll prioritize making it again. So don’t be shy! There’s no obligation to buy something just because you signed up to be notified.

About Those Restock Notifications…
Every product that’s currently out of stock (or marked as “Coming Soon”) will offer you the option to sign up to be notified when it returns.
If a product is marked as “Archived” that means the chances of us bringing it back are slim. You can join the waitlist, but it might be a while before it comes back, if ever.

And Now, a Disclaimer…
As we said at the top of the page, artisan-made ceramic dinnerware rewards flexibility and patience. Throughout the course of the day, we make all kinds of decisions that aim to balance the needs of our hospitality clients (i.e. really big, time-sensitive orders), the needs of home cooks, and any new projects Jono is excited to try out. We will always do our best to communicate our plans. We ask for your understanding when those plans occasionally need to change on the fly.

Thanks so much...
for supporting our business. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions or feedback regarding the information we’ve shared here.